Nu lyfter vi rotfrukterna!
Dole Nordic

Let’s focus on the root vegetables!

From the autumn of 2024, two-kilogram packages will be launched on a range of products within the Chef's Cuts root fruit range. The investment is being made jointly with the grower Steglinge Gård, which is also part of the Dole Nordic business family.



From the autumn of 2024, two-kilogram packages will be launched on a range of products within the Chef’s Cuts root fruit range. The investment is being made jointly with the grower Steglinge Gård, which is also part of the Dole Nordic business family.

– Five kilos of peeled beetroot, beetroot or split beetroot can be too much for many potential customers. By reducing the packaging size and still maintaining competitive prices, we hope that more customers will be able to buy pre-peeled/cut, says Elias Lagerberg, sales manager at Steglinge Gård.

With the changes in packaging sizes, Chef’s Cut also makes sure to reduce its impact on the climate. With the two-kilo packaging, we can load more kilos per pallet, which contributes to fewer transports. The new packaging is adapted to be packed in secondary packaging that protects against transport and handling damage. With a better adapted size for kitchen needs, waste is reduced when using the product.

– Fewer transports, less emissions and reduced waste throughout the entire value chain ultimately contribute to a reduced impact on our climate, summarizes Marcus Hellmann, product development and sales Chef’s Cut.


At Dole Nordic, we work to contribute to the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2030. The root fruit lift contributes to both goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production – and goal 13 – Climate actions.


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