Digitization: How Bastard Burgers creates an engaged and motivated workforce
Ziik – Det sociala intranätet

Digitization: How Bastard Burgers creates an engaged and motivated workforce

Do the majority of your employees not work at a computer? Ziik together with HRsvepet presents how Bastard Burgers works with its personnel issues and digitization to create a fantastic workplace for all employees.



Frida Mangen, from Agila HRpodden, leads the conversation together with guests: Christopher Cato Lavebrand from Ziik and Niclas Öberg from Bastard Burgers.

In this 45 minute session we will cover:
Bastard Burgers Case Study: Gain insight into how Bastard Burgers worked with its brand and establishment via its focus on personnel issues.
Digital solutions for the dispersed workforce: Ziik and Bastard Burgers share lessons learned, mapping digital tools and procurement strategies to create a digital toolbox that provides the right conditions for staff.
3 Common Problems & 3 Solutions: A quick review of 3 common expectations of the younger workforce (Gen Z), and how Ziik and Bastard Burgers advise to meet them.
Register now to secure your place on this exciting webinar and share the latest insights to develop the way you engage and motivate your workforce.

We look forward to welcoming you to an informative and valuable webinar.


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